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Dealing With Customer Complaints & Customer Aggression

In a customer service industry, we simply cannot avoid complaints. Whether internal or external customers, we need to take care of them by listening to the complaint, and resolving it, to ensure a happy customer :)
It's not an easy job. However, if we understand why customers complain and learn how to deal with angry customers we will be better equipped to handle these situations.

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

- Determine the reasons for customers complaints.
- Examine the measures taken when dealing with aggressive customers.
- Investigate the dos and don’ts related to customer complaints.
- Explore techniques such as letting a customer vent and handling abusive language.
- Appreciate the importance of providing excellent customer service.

Requirement: Mandatory Availability: Internal Unit Origin: Retail

  • Section 1
  • Why Do Customers Complain?
  • Customer Complaint Dynamics
  • Handling Customer Complaints
  • Section 2
  • Dealing With Aggressive Customers
  • Handling Verbally Abusive Customers
  • Just Let Them Vent
  • Listen, Vent, Focus - Handling Rude Customers
  • Section 3
  • Assessment
  • ULearn Course Evaluation
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever